From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



This term has come to a very quick end and I would like to acknowledge the capacity of our students who were able to transition between school and the remote learning program and back to school again so successfully. The most recent lockdown was our fourth experience and was challenging in so many respects. However, the support of our families, the resilience of the students and the ongoing commitment by staff to improve their work in this space ensured our overall experience was greatly appreciated, reassuring and engaging for our students.


I hope your families can enjoy the holiday break and we will see our students return on Monday July 12th at 8.45 am to commence term 3. We will again have students make their own way to classes and open up our playground for parents every school day afternoon. Your support of this procedure has ensured smoother traffic flow, lessons starting on time and students being prepared for their learning day ahead.


Masks are mandatory inside our buildings for all staff and visitors.


QR codes are required for all visitors to assist in the Contact Tracing Program.


We have a curriculum day coming up. (No school day.) 

This is planned for Monday August 2nd and is a professional development day for staff.

The day has two components

  • Professional Learning Community  (PLC) continued learning and professional development with DET presenters.
  • Writing program – continued work on the model used at CJC, related professional learning and work undertaken in teams across the school.

Parent Teacher interviews were held online again this semester. Many thanks to our families who accessed the Compass booking process and came online to share their children’s reports and term 3 and 4 learning plans and expectations. Our online booking procedures via Compass and the online meetings ensured our meetings ran very smoothly.


One of my concerns has been the number of families who arrived to their appointment late or did not take the opportunity to book an interview and then proceeded to make demands around when they would be seen and expecting our staff to make further arrangements to accommodate their issues. Staff are working to tight timetables, meeting their teaching loads, attending meetings and maintaining all required duties during this period, in addition to the added layer of parent teacher conferences. Staff will work towards completing these “requests” when they are able and at a time that suits their work schedules.


Our search for a new assistant Principal has continued this week. Our panel met and interviewed the shortlisted candidates and we hope to have a final decision very shortly. We will update you as we have confirmation of our appointment.


Remember to have your children accessing a range of reading material over the holidays. It may be a novel, a recipe book, the football record or the program guide for the television. All these literacy activities promote literacy skills, independence and a love of reading. Having a conversation about the characters, the issues or events or the team game plan supports and encourages your child’s reading.


In the first week of Term 3, all of CJC will be participating in mural painting with Leonie Harris. Leonie Harris is a Noongar Elder from the Balladong Clan of W.A. She has visited over 1000 schools across Australia.  Every student will have the chance to contribute to the school mural. 


We will be having a presentation at the end of the week which will showcase the students' work. A special assembly -  Friday the 16th of July at 2:40pm. 


Each cohort will work on their mural on a different day with Leonie. Please check compass to see if you have paid/given consent for this incursion.  We are very excited to see the masterpieces the students will create!


From Mme. Pommier,

French Director.


Chères familles de CJC,


C’est avec solidarité et collaboration que nous terminons ce deuxième trimestre de l’année scolaire 2021.  Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre flexibilité et votre résilience qui nous ont permis d’atteindre ce cap sereinement.


N’oubliez pas que nous célébrerons le 14 juillet, notre fête nationale, le premier mercredi du troisième trimestre.


Je vous souhaite à tous d’excellentes vacances hivernales et nous nous retrouverons le 12 juillet prochain. 



Dear CJC families,


Teamwork and collaboration have been so very important in Term 2, 2021. I wish to thank you for your flexibility and resilience. 


Remember that we will celebrate Bastille Day, the national day of France, on July 14, the first Wednesday of Term 3.


I wish you all a fantastic winter holiday and look forward to seeing you on July 12.