
It’s been a bumpy start to Term 3 with the recent lockdown. The Wellbeing Team has been busy putting together resources to support our families and students in the last two weeks - make sure to check it out on Compass. Our team contacted families and students to offer our support and troubleshoot any issues getting in the way of remote learning. It also allowed us to check in with our Fairhills community as we faced lockdown 5.0. It is good news that we are all back on site, and I’m sure we are all hopeful that it will stay this way for the rest of the term!
There has been a lot happening in the Wellbeing Centre. Over the holidays, we had some internal renovations completed. We now have two soundproofed and freshly painted offices where we can see students privately. Stewie, Peta and I, with the help of our fabulous facilities team, have been busy installing a new desk, shelves, whiteboards and pin-boards. A well organised, tidy and orderly space helps create a well organised, tidy and orderly mind that helps us be productive and efficient. We are very excited about things to come in Wellbeing!
We would like to welcome our new placement students to FHS- Amanda, Skinner (James), Marlene, Mel and Lisa. They will be with us for Term 3 and Term 4. Please look out for them around the school and make them feel welcome.
We will be celebrating Diversity Week during week 7. It will be a week of themed activities focusing on cultural diversity, individuality, inclusion, mental health, and gender diversity. It is a collaboration between our school student leaders and the wellbeing team. We have had some planning meetings already, and there are some exciting things in progress! Watch out for Compass posts and posters.
We will also be trialing a new intake process in Wellbeing in Term 3. When a student presents to the Wellbeing Centre without an appointment, they will meet with a Wellbeing Team member to go through a brief assessment session. This session will work from a strengths focus, assisting the student in identifying what they need and how they can achieve that, drawing on their strengths and successful coping methods in the past. This session will also be used to identify what other supports the student may need – which might be an external referral or a referral to one of the Wellbeing Team members.
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember…the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” - Henry Ford
Amal Saleh-Zada I Student Wellbeing Coordinator
It has been a hard time once again with the recent lockdown and many people have been experiencing a range of very normal feelings about it- from disappointment, sadness, confusion, frustration and worry. During these times, it is helpful to remember that we have come through this before…and we can do it again. Wellbeing put out some reminders and some helpful activities for students over the lockdown to help you focus on the things you can control and the things you can do to stay positive, feel connected and to look after yourself. These ideas are useful for all times, not just in lockdowns. I would encourage you to have a look through the activities and try one that fits for you. If you do try something new, drop into Wellbeing to let us know what helped! We’d love to hear what works!
Wellbeing have been working with Year Level Coordinators to plan some fun and inspiring programs for Term 3 (and Term 4). We were looking forward to an external group SEED coming onsite last week to deliver a full day of fun activities, discussion and challenges around healthy relationships, media stereotypes, communication, positive mindset and much more. Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled due to the lockdown. But we are working on a new date for later in the term- stay tuned!
Peta Cartwright I Mental Health Practitioner
Breakfast Club will continue in Term 3 and will run every day from 8-8.30am and is open to all students and staff. There is a range of healthy brekkie options each day catering to all dietary requirements…and every Thursday is Pancake Thursday! The Breakfast Club is run by a group of community volunteers who generously give their time to support our school. Please always remember to be respectful to our wonderful volunteers.
Accessing Support through Wellbeing
The Wellbeing team can assist students in accessing the support they need to navigate challenges that may impact their ability to engage in learning or general feelings of wellbeing. The Wellbeing Team can engage the student or family in an initial assessment of need, short term counselling or skills development or referrals to external support agencies. Students may also be encouraged to access self-help strategies or resources. We will explore the best options for each student.
We encourage students and/or parents to contact the year level coordinators for wellbeing referrals. You can also make an appointment with someone from the Wellbeing Team by attending the Wellbeing Centre or contacting Amal via email Amal.Saleh-Zada@education.vic.gov.au for referrals.
Teachers who have concerns about a student may also refer them to the Wellbeing Team through their Year Level Coordinator.
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers at the bottom of this page
Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Coordinator - Amal Saleh-Zada
Chaplain – Stewart McCartney
Mental Health Practitioner - Peta Cartwright
Headspace Psychologist - Tashena Perry
Student Support Services Psychologist - Emily Habard