Principal's Message

“Inspiring and empowering members of our school community to achieve their full potential in an inclusive and supportive environment.” |
Remote Learning
Although our remote learning teaching and learning practices are rigorous, the cumulative impact of lockdowns does take a toll on us all. Thanks to all our community for playing an important role in supporting students with their learning and wellbeing. It was nice to see online praise given by a parent for our amazing and dedicated staff. We don’t do our job for recognition, but we sure do appreciate it!
It was very pleasing to welcome our students back on Wednesday and Thursday and personally chat with many of them. Hopefully, by wearing masks and practicing social distancing we can prevent another lockdown.
Capital Works
Currently we are in the schematic stage of the capital works. The science and music staff have been collaborating with the architects to design some amazing 21st century flexible spaces. I can’t wait to supply the school community with the final designs. Watch this space!!!
Growth mindset
I am a big believer that a positive outlook and a willingness to try new things leads to a positive and successful life. Luckily the research by people such as Carol Dweck agree with me!
For the school to achieve its vision, “Inspiring and empowering members of our school community to achieve their full potential in an inclusive and supportive environment.” We need to develop a growth mindset culture.
In 2022, we will co-create (with students) programs that embrace a Growth mindset, so students feel more resilient and empowered to overcome any obstacles.
Professional Expectations & Behaviours
We are close to finalising a staff charter for professional behaviours and expectations. In Term 2 we had workshops with a range of students from Year 7-12 who provided us with honest and insightful feedback. Staff were provided with this feedback and collaborated to create fundamental behaviours essential to support the students. The expectations and behaviours embrace the four driving words of the vision:
- Inspiring
- Empowering
- Inclusive
- Supportive
Once finalised we will share this with you.
School Review
In Term 4 the school will be undertaking its review. These reviews occur every four years and are essential as they diagnose and evaluate current practices and structures within the school. This then helps us create a strategic plan for the next four years. In the last six months we have already undertaken as diagnosis of the school through:
- Staff interviews
- Student workshops
- Detailed analysis of surveys that include
- Student attitude to surveys
- Parent surveys
- Staff surveys
However, we will be drilling down even deeper as it is important that we clearly understand our strengths and what we need to improve. It is so important to receive feedback so if you are asked to be involved, please do so to have your say.
Ian Van Schie