Senior School Learning

Year 3 and 4

Year 3/4s have begun writing procedures this week. They made their own paper planes with the goal of having the paper plane that flies the furthest.  Then students wrote their procedures following the correct structure and are now beginning the publishing stage.



Year 5 and 6

Phillip Island Fundraiser Success! 

On the last day of Term 2, 5/6 students designed a whole school fundraiser for Phillip Island Nature Park. What a fantastic day it was for all! Some of the activities included a QR Code scavenger hunt, colouring competition, fun tabloid sports activities and many ways to learn about looking after ecosystems and reducing climate change. We want to say a big thank you to all students, family and community members who helped us to raise over $300! We look forward to presenting a cheque to the Phillip Island nature Park on our camp later in the year. 


Literacy - New Content Unit

As 5/6s have wrapped up their learning about ecosystems and climate change, our focus has shifted to a new engaging unit. Our theme for the next few weeks is all about different perspectives of Australia's history. We have started to explore how the First Fleet travelled to Australia, challenges they faced during their journey, impacts on Australia's First Nation people and differing perspectives on key events. Students have been reading some texts sharing the different perspectives, and how the perspectives have shaped the version of Australia's history we all know. 


Numeracy - Fractions 

Students finished up their learning all about fractions this week. Students had the opportunity to 'show what they had learnt' about fraction and the progress made towards achieving their learning goals. Well done to all students in 5/6 - everyone successfully made progress towards their learning goals!


T-Shirt Orders Payment Required

A friendly reminder to please forward payment for your child's Year 6 T-Shirt.  Payment can be made via BPay using your family's unique Biller Code printed on your invoice. Please contact the office if you need these details.

The cost for the T-Shirt is $40.

Payment is required before students can receive their T-Shirt.