Years Three/Four News 

Term Three Curriculum Information

This term in Reading, Years Three and Four students will be focusing on building their strategies and skills. We will be learning how to monitor, search and self-correct as well as maintaining fluency by using the punctuation to help us slow down, use dialogue and add emphasis. Students will also be building their skills in skimming and scanning, enabling them to locate key pieces of information in the text.


In Writing, students have been researching Olympic athletes in order to write a Biography. Students will then be exploring writing Narratives, using the Seven Steps to help support students through the writing process. We will begin with Sizzling Starts, followed by Tightening Tension and Ban the Boring. Students will be focusing on using the Seven Steps elements to organise their writing into paragraphs as well as add excitement and detail, writing Narratives that are engaging and interesting.


In Maths, we have been exploring division and its relation to multiplication. Students will then be focusing on fractions, extending their learning into decimals and their relationship to fractions. Towards the end of term, students will be learning about Time, focusing on converting analogue and digital time, exploring 24-hour time and reading timetables such as what time a train leaves a destination and how long it will take to arrive at the next stop.