Foundation News 

Term Three Curriculum Information

This term in Reading, our students will work on strengthening their comprehension skills through strategies such as asking questions to engage in the text and summarising texts. They will also be learning to crosscheck while they read which involves asking themselves if what they're reading looks right, sounds right and makes sense. Later in the term, students will be working on their fluency by looking at the punctuation in texts and reading like they are the character.


In Writing, we will be exploring familiar Narratives and identifying the characters, setting, problem and solution. In the second half of the term, students will develop their knowledge of procedures. This will involve identifying the parts of a procedure and following simple step-by-step procedures to do or make something. Each Monday of the term, students will write a weekend recount with the focus being around successful sentences (full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and making letter/sound connections), as well as including details such as who they were with, what they did and when and where it was. 


For Maths, our focus is around solving addition and subtraction problems through modelling and using strategies such as counting on, counting back, friends of ten and doubles facts. We will also do some work around the number 100 to celebrate our 100 days of school. Later in the term, we will look at measuring and comparing capacity and identifying, sorting and describing two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.


We are looking forward to lots of learning in Foundation in Term Three!