Deputy Principal

It's fabulous to be back at school to witness onsite teaching and learning. So much valuable and authentic learning is occurring at St Therese this term, aligning with so many areas of the Victorian Curriculum outcomes and capabilities. Teachers at our school endeavour to make learning as genuine and fun as possible for our students.


Year 4 Candy Stall

On Friday 18th of June, the Year 4 students had the opportunity to run their own candy stalls. This was a chance for students to use play money to practise adding, subtracting and calculating the correct change. This was a huge success for all students with many walking away with a candy bag full of goodies. 


Enjoy the images of a fun and educational afternoon in Year 4.


Soccer Club

This term, some of the Year 3 students have taken it upon themselves to start a Soccer Club to teach the Foundation students. The boys have decided that the students need to learn kicking, defending and shooting skills. It’s great to see all of the Foundation’s happy faces every Friday at Soccer Club! 

Thanks also goes to Miss Foster for supporting and guiding the Soccer Club.

Well done everyone!


Have a safe and restful holiday everyone.


Working in partnership.


Michelle Hinds