Around Grade 1/2

Grade 1 and 2 Reflection By Joey and Lolli - presented in Assembly on 25 June

"Hi, my name is Joey and I am from 1O. In Maths, we have learnt about telling time, money and we also did skip counting. We had an incursion for our Inquiry topic 'Living Things". We got to hold a butterfly on a stick, a yabby, a beetle and some other minibeasts. We got to watch baby chicks hatch and then hold them. They felt like a mini cat because they were very fluffy!" - Joey


"Hi, my name is Lolli and I am from 2SB. This term has been great! We have been le"arning about time and money in Maths. I have been a Green Thumb this term which I've really enjoyed. In Inquiry, we researched minibeasts and mine was a ladybird. I learnt that if you count the spots on a ladybird, that's how it gets its name. For example, if it has 6 dots, its a 6-spotted ladybird. In Reading, we learnt how to make connections. We made text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections. I enjoy using Kids Art Hub on the iPads" - Lolli


We have also been learning about shape poems and sense poems!