Stars Of The Week

Prep A

Edward M


Cameron S

For making a good start at Rollins Primary School and settling in well. 

For showing enthusiasm to learn and complete his tasks during remote learning. Fantastic effort Cameron.

Prep B

Arabella W

Nathan P

For completing some amazing work during remote learning. Keep up the great work! :)  
1AToby LFor a fabulous effort during remote learning and sharing some very interesting facts about the Titanic! Well done Toby. 
1BAsya KFor her fabulous transition back into remote learning and her contribution to our morning WebEx meeting. Super work Asya!  
2AReece DFor creating a wonderful Ninja Warrior course that was good enough to appear on TV!  

Blade M

Layla K

For producing high quality work during remote learning. Keep up the high standards. 
2CAlyssa MFor continuing to smile and be resilient during remote learning. She continues to complete her home learning with a positive attitude and always has a smile on her face during our morning WebEx meetings. Keep it up Alyssa! 
3/4ADalontay EFor some amazing Remote learning work and a fantastic start to the term From Laura, Lauren and Lachie! 
3/4BJake DFor his fantastic work during Remote Learning and showing positive improvement and effort with his writing. 
3/4CKosta MFor his excellent attitude to complete all Remote Learning tasks and put in his best efforts throughout all areas of learning. Keep up the super work champion! 
3/4DWhole ClassFor your commitment and dedication when completing set tasks as well as your resilience during Remote Learning. Well done, everyone! 
3/4EWhole ClassFor your commitment and dedication when completing set tasks as well as your resilience during Remote Learning. Well done, everyone! 
5/6AAva LFor your tremendous effort in Remote Learning. Your obstacle course was incredible! 
5/6BBenyameen AFor his enthusiastic approach to remote learning. 
5/6CAdem AFor his in-depth thought and responses in science.  
5/6DRushneet GFor her amazing work during remote learning 

Layla &

Ruby K

For a wonderful confetti obstacle course. Well done! 
ArtRuby KFor her fantastic detailed and colourful guided drawing of a Unicream! Amazing work Ruby! 
MusicAzara GFor great work in Music throughout term 2. Well done Azara! 
STEM Lauren SA great effort during STEM with her scavenger hunt.