Family School Partnerships

Strong partnerships between families and school is actively built upon at St Anne's

We acknowledge and value the importance of families and schools working together as research has shown this has a positive impact on children both academically and in terms of their wellbeing. We recognise that for this to work effectively there needs to regular and ongoing and purposeful interactions between both parties.  

The use of Seesaw is a valuable tool for parents to be informed and included in their children's learning. The Learning Links newsletter that is sent out fortnightly also provides information to families about what is being focused on in the classroom, and therefore allows for meaningful conversations and extension of learning to happen in homes. Parent teacher interviews are another important process to allow for communication and common understanding between families and school. 

Next Wednesday and Thursday's Parent Teacher interviews are a time for discussion and reflection about our children's progress. The teachers will share your child's successes and areas for focus as well as discuss with you ways that you can assist your child and be part of their journey and support what is happening when at home. Just as importantly, it is a time for families to share knowledge about their child, ask questions and share ways they are able to work in partnership with school. 

If you havn't already please book in a time to see your child's teacher. Take a look at the image below that explains what everyone within our community can do to promote strong partnerships, that will contribute to the development of the whole child.

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader/Family School Partnerships Leader