Principal's Message

Dear Parents, students and the wider community,


I hope everyone enjoyed last weekend despite the restrictions- 3 day weekends are a real gift. We have had a busy week this week- - but when don't we! Today I managed to find time to share a beautiful Mass with the 3/4 classes and Fr Martin. It is nice after lockdown and remote learning to get some level of normality again in our school. 


This week it has been a bit wet so I thought I would discuss how we cater for the students on such mornings so that don't start the day wet and cold. On days where I believe it is too wet to line up on the basketball court we open the grey doors near the staffroom and let the children come into the area just outside the student toilets where they are supervised by a staff member- usually me. I have noticed some parents have also congregated outside the junior block on the deck. Should you wish to stand there with your child of course you are free to do so but I obviously don't want any unsupervised students there. Generally staff are in the classroom at 8.45am on these mornings so the closer to that time you can drop off on wet, miserable days the better as then your children can walk straight into class.


Regarding the Parent-Teacher Interviews on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons next week please ensure you do sign up. We expect reports to go home on Monday. We will locate the meetings in the junior block so that the junior staff interview in their own classes, Miss McKenzie will have her interviews in the Italian/Music room and the other 3 senior classes will be spaced out in the open space of the junior block. We will ring the bell every 15 minutes to keep everyone on track. Please have a think before attending, with reference to your child's report, as to what you might like to see your child/children achieve during the second semester. Please enter through the grey doors near the staffroom, sign in using the app, use the sanitiser and come and sit in the corridor outside the Italian Room where chairs will be placed. Of course if you are in any way unwell please do not attend and let the class teacher know. It is always possible to reschedule for another time!! We will have no problem staying within density limits if we abide by this plan. 


This week we continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers for one of our Mum's, Melanie Sebire's children Eve, Christian and Angus (Year 6) and her extended family. It will be a very tough week for many in our community as she is laid to rest on Tuesday. God bless them all. 


Looking ahead to next week here is a reminder of  a number of dates to be aware of. Unfortunately the District Cross Country  set for Tuesday 22 June has been cancelled as a result of COVID restrictions. However the top 3 from the Seaford District will go through to the next level later in the year. Congratulations to Elijah, Isaac, Kingston, Sanuli, Sia and Chase!  


Wednesday 23 June is Italian Day until school concludes at 1.30pm. The early finish enables Parent Teacher Interviews to commence from 2pm. Parent Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday from 2pm -7.30pm. They will continue on Thursday 24 June from 3.45pm-6pm. To book your times (these will close off Tuesday afternoon at 3.40pm) for the interviews please go to www.schoolinterviews and enter using the code cpupv.


A reminder that we will have students at school on the final day of the term. We have taken note of student voice from our student leadership '"Our House Spirit" team and will be having a fun finish to the term having a company deliver an obstacle course series of activities for each year level modelled on ''Australian Ninja Warrior". 


Wishing everyone a happy weekend. 


God Bless


Rod Shaw



School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please ensure you contact the school before 9:30am if your child is going to be absent or late  by leaving a message on 9786 4736 and press #1.

If you are running late (after  9:00 am ) please attend the office to sign your child into school. 


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a phone call or text message.

If parent does not reply or is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.


Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.


This is a legal requirement.