Principal's Update
'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'
Anne Frank
Principal's Update
'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'
Anne Frank
Dear families,
This week we return to our first full week of onsite learning since week one. It is a good time to share our great road map for Term 3 and our plan to track our term including the detours that may redirect us along the way. Already we have detoured swimming and rescheduled to weeks 9 and 10 and we have flipped our circus training to a virtual mode with Hayden streaming live while our staff and students have the resources at school to practise the skills. We continue to provide our assembly in a virtual mode and we will create a video for you all of our Athletics Carnival if we are still unable to invite you to join us on Friday 13th August.
Below is just a snapshot of the direction we are on and all of the twists and turns that we are constantly negotiating along the way, always with wellbeing and learning at the heart of all we do.
As you can see, it is a busy term and despite the little setbacks we are determined to move forward and make Term 3 as full of opportunity and learning as we can. We have a great team who are continually re-imagining and re-designing the programs and who are professional, hard working and very resilient. We appreciate your patience as we transition back to face to face learning once again, have time to collate and review home learning tasks, mark and give feedback all whilst continuing to plan and teach every day back onsite.
With teacher wellbeing high on the agenda at the moment (along with family wellbeing), please be mindful of email protocols and communication with teaching staff outside working hours. I encourage all staff members including myself to switch off after 5pm. This means emails. Our staff email protocols encourage all staff members to email in working hours only. We encourage you to always make your child's teacher the first point of contact. Teachers will always endeavor to answer and respond to you during working hours.
If your communication is something that is of an urgent nature or an question that can be easily answered, please always call the office and we will be more than willing to help you. A member of the leadership team will always be available for you to speak to if you require further support. We are mindful that you are limited to come onsite, we are only a phone call away.
We continue to focus on all of the important aspects of school life that make our community; partnership, happiness, support, student voice, connection, joy, hope, happiness, celebrations and the list goes on.
With the easing of restrictions (hopefully) approaching next week, we are hopeful that we can get back to the important work of building community and connection face to face and enjoy the planned events for the remainder of the year. If not, we will continue to adapt, change, flip and accommodate detours in the roadmap as we go.
As always go gently and if you have any feedback or ideas we always want to hear them.
God Bless,
Patrika Rowley