Grade Prep

Explore the Learning in Grade Prep

The Preps have been lucky enough to have some grade 5 students read to them when they eat their lunch. 


We have been having lots of discussions on what makes a good writer! Sitting correctly, holding our pencil correctly, leaving spaces between our words and hearing the sounds in the words we want to write.   The students are becoming familiar using their Writers Notebook, sketching a memory, labelling their sketch, and then writing a sentence. Every week on Friday the students complete a dictation test, the teacher reads out the sentence of the week and students enjoy writnig down the words they have been learning!


It has been so wonderful to see our prep students becoming familiar with their common words, identifying common sounds, and using that knowledge when reading. The students really enjoy completing their weekly  flip books that focus on the word of the week and words that rhyme. 



Number is always a focus in maths, however, this week we have also been learning about the days of the week. The students have enjoyed singing ‘names of the week song’ to help them remember. Students are also becoming familiar with warm up games such as ‘buzz’. 

Positive Education 

We have been having wonderful discussions about zones of regulation - this identifies how we are feeling. The students have certainly been using the character strength Persistence this week, trying very hard and not giving up!


  • Attendance: Please make sure to log onto compass and put an absence note in when your child is away. Teachers will be contacting you to support if you haven't done this