Grade 4

Explore the Learning in Grade 4


In Maths over the last 2 weeks students have been building on their knowledge of creating data displays and interpreting their results. They are making links between our inquiry topic of 'Belonging and Community' and are collecting data about how we can give back to the Barwon Heads Community. 









Next week we launch into our learning about addition and subtraction. 



In Writing the Year 4 students have been hard at work on their Personal Narratives. They have written stories based off an event in their life. The students have drafted, edited and revised and have begun to publish their work. We can not wait to share these with you in our Week 8 Newsletter!



The Garden:

This week in the Garden program we will be exploring bugs, slugs and other invertebrates (mini beasts) and their importance in maintaining a healthy garden. We will discuss minibeasts as pollinators and decomposers, how they enrich our soil and how they are a critical part of the food chain. 


The Year 4’s are looking for volunteers to help in the garden, so if you are interested, please email the classroom teacher.  


Homework Books:  

On Monday students will be bringing a Homework book home to complete their spelling and maths extra learning tasks. This book will be checked each Friday by your child's teacher so please sent it to school with them. In their book they can complete a spelling activity each night and practice their multiplication goal.  


Student Reflections:

Ocean Awareness was so fun! Over the 3 sessions, we improved our knowledge of the ocean and learnt how to call the emergency services by telling them the location number on the beach sign. We also had the opportunity to improve our swimming skills, identify and manage if we get caught in a rip. One of my biggest highlights was getting to learn sidestroke for the first time. 

By Maddie Monaghan 4D 


Every student from grade 3 - 6 is included in something called multiplication madness. It is something where students fill in as much of two multiplication grids that they can in ten minutes on a Friday. The goal is to get better every time that we do these grids.  

By Jeremy Orgill - 4A 




Attendance: Please make sure to log onto compass and put an absence note in when your child is away. Teachers will contact you to support if you haven't done this.