Harriet's Super Swim

Harriet is in Year 4 and is doing the Starlight Super Swim Challenge. She has decided to attempt to raise $1000 by swimming 16km cumulatively for the month of February with the money going to the Starlight Foundation.


Over the course of COVID, Starlight have lost a lot of regular donations and have struggled to fund the support and wishes for children they normally help. Harriet knows all too well how hard it is for kids who are sick in hospital after seeing her little brother in and out of hospital as a baby and now we have a family friend who has a toddler Arthur, suffering from leukemia.


Harriet herself was sick as a baby with life threatening anaphylactic allergic reactions which she grew out of. She has been fortunate to find herself now, at 9 years old, in great health and a gifted swimmer and wants to use that gift to raise money and pay it forward to help other kids needing support through their illness. 


The link to her donation page/blog, which we continuously update: