
Taking Music Outdoors!


Since the start of the 2023 school year, we’ve taken full advantage of some of the milder summer weather we have been experiencing, and bringing our music sessions outdoors! 

Our students have enjoyed richer music learning experiences whilst interacting with nature under a large shade giving tree. 


Our lesson focus has been listening, singing, multi-sensory activities and simple percussion instruments - including body percussion, which are all easily transported to our beautiful outdoor areas. 


We have created bush instruments out of flora and natural objects found in our Outdoor Classroom, and incorporated these into a piece of music, to explore tempo.


This has also given us the opportunity to explore the Country our school is located on. We start with our Acknowledgment of Country, recognising what is special about the land, and the Bunurong People who are the traditional custodians.


The many benefits of using an outdoor setting to teach music have been noticeable, particularly the social-emotional benefits for students.


Patty and Andrew 

Music Teachers

Monash SDS