Principal's Report 

Welcome back,


We have had a busy fortnight with busy children and staff happily enjoying Term 1. I have enjoyed spending some time in classrooms and watching our students settle in and be happy to be at school. Just a reminder that our Preps will commence fulltime from Monday 27 February.


Capital Works

As we edge closer and closer, the new building has had the brick work commence and the painters will begin in two weeks' time. It is a very fast-growing project now with many trades onsite working hard to meet the deadline of completion.


Car Parking

Just another reminder to always drive at 5km/h on our school site. We have had a collision onsite due to speeding and a member of staff was narrowly missed by a car driving too fast. Please make this a priority when driving onsite to keep not only our children safe but our staff too. Please also remember there is no parking at all onsite at any time. Please see our page in this newsletter for more information on offsite parking.



I would like to warmly welcome the following staff to our school:

Belinda Battisson in Group 14


School Council

The School Council members for 2023 are:


Parent members – Teresa Leonard, Vimala Nair, Jade Canavan, Lara Vatta

Community members – Annie Murray, Sarah Frost

Staff members – Lindy Abernethy, Luke Goodman, Sandra Battisti.

The Annual General Meeting which everyone is welcome to is on Wednesday 26th April at 12pm


As always please remember you can contact me at any time with any questions or concerns.

