Miss Mel's Message

Principal - St Brigid's Primary School

Hello to all, 


Week 4 is finished already! But what a super event to finish with. The Footsteps dance crew was a hit with so many families in attendance and record numbers of children participating across all levels. What stood out was the community spirit and camaraderie. Seniors really stepped up their performance with their super high energy and the highest engagement levels in years. The BBQ was amazing. Zooper Doopers all gone! Thanks to all who attended and our PFA volunteers. We couldn't do it without you. 

Great learning has been happening across the school. Learning pits are up. Students are focusing on learning as a challenge, and deepening their understanding of growth mindset and learning dispositions. Routines are being reinforced. Classes are settling in well. Digi Tech classes were a hit. Sustainability days underway. A visit to the preps during Discovery was a highlight of the week. They are already so engaged and connected to our wonderful community. 


What a week! Check out these links for our Facebook and Instagram posts.


Thank you for your feedback around the newsletter and St B’s communication. It was great to hear so many different perspectives and ideas. We will endeavour to make some changes over the next few weeks with our communication, and streamline, organise and update the things we do. 


We are currently seeking student feedback in regards to our play spaces through our recently formed Student Representative Council. We had our first meeting this week, where student leaders from all classes met and had their first discussion, and headed off on their first mission. 


Swimming was fantastic. A good time had by all. Trials were first up and ran smoothly and to time. Then the fun and games for all levels began. Thanks to all involved. Well done Brigid. We had some wonderful feedback around the new structure and organisation of the day and hope to use this for next year. See the article and photos from Miss Glasson on our Learning & Events Page. 


Building meetings have been aplenty and safety fencing and OHS procedures have been planned out, checked off and ready to go. Approximate date now early March to begin the build. More information to come when available. 


We had our first Mini Vinnies meeting and my heart was full. So many students turned up, gave up their break time, and began making plans for how they can make a difference in the lives of others. Watch this space. 


Remember our Playgroup happens each Friday in the hall from 9-11am. All are welcome. Some very special friendships have already been made, and have been a great transition for many children, in both school and kinder journeys. 


I had my commissioning mass as a new principal in Melbourne, at the Catholic Leadership Centre last week. It was an honour to be commissioned formally into this very privileged role. An even greater honour that my first principalship is here at St Brigid’s.


Once again #StB’sIsLivingItAndLovingIt!