City Nature Challenge 2023
In 2023, more than 30 councils across metropolitan Melbourne are collaborating to participate in the City Nature Challenge. Help Melbourne compete with cities from around the world by taking pictures of wild plants and animals between Friday 28 April and Monday 1 May 2023 using iNaturalist. Let's show the world the incredible biodiversity of Melbourne!
During the four-day window of this challenge, snap a photo of a plant or animal and upload it to iNaturalist. The observations will automatically be pooled to this project so that we can compete with participants from cities all over the world over number of observations. It also gets added to Australia’s database of plants and animals, helping scientists with their research to improve outcomes for our environment.
Started in 2016 as a competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the City Nature Challenge (CNC) has grown into an international event, motivating people around the world to find and document wildlife in their own cities. Run by the Community Science teams at the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM), the CNC is an annual four-day global bioblitz at the end of April, where cities are in a collaboration-meets-friendly-competition to see what can be accomplished when we all work toward a common goal.
How to use iNaturalist App
A webinar taking you through the basics of how to use iNaturalist App was recorded for the City Nature Challenge in 2021. You can watch this at any time.
For more information please visit:
City Nature Challenge 2023 | City of Monash
The educators would also love to see your photos too and to hear the stories of your adventures out in nature! Please email them directly to your child's kindergarten or to and we will pass them on.