Student Report

Since the commencement of the school year, we have had quite a few fun and exciting events that have taken place. The year 12 cohort received their year 12 leavers jackets, with many rocking them around the school with style. 


In week 3, the VCAL students presented their wonderful Valentines day stall, selling roses and other love related items. At the end of week 3, we had our school photos taken, with everyone looking their very best for their photos. 


Applications for year 10 house captains opened up in week 3, with many applying for the 8 roles in total. Those who missed out on school photos in week 3 can do their catch up photos on March 9th. Those representing the College at the interschools volleyball can look forward to competing on March 2nd. 


If anyone has any suggestions for school improvements or upcoming events, feel free to talk to one of your house captains or to one of us.


- Flynn and Kiara - College Captains