VCAL - Valentines Day Stall

Spreading the Love

Students organised the annual Valentine's Day stall as part of the VCAL program on the 14th of February. Keeping the tradition alive was one of the major accomplishments of this year's VCAL students.  


Using their organisation and collaboration skills, as well as their motivation and positive attitude, Tarneit VCAL students sold chocolate roses, bags of lollies and Valentine’s Day themed cupcakes. 


Students also spread love and happiness to their peers while selling these products, using good communication skills both verbal and non-verbal with plenty of smiles and lots of kindness. They also played music around the college to spread the joy! It was heart-warming to see the friendship the students had for each other and their joy in being back at school.


The college staff also enjoyed the event, many were seen smiling and sharing the gifts they purchased at the event.  


Tarneit Senior College is very proud of all our VCAL students for organising this event so efficiently and we congratulate all the VCAL students on spreading so much joy throughout the school