The DE Student Disability Transport Program (SDTP) is operated by two bus companies: Skylight and Transit Systems. Jackson School is responsible for the communication (with students and families) about SDTP, managing eligibility/service planning, emergency management including student behaviour. Upon enrolment in the SDTP, parents/carers will have signed an application for transport assistance to and from school.
To ensure the safety of all passengers on school buses, the following conditions apply at all times.
Students must agree to the following:
- Obey instructions from the driver, supervisor, school staff or principal
- Be punctual at the pick-up or drop-off point (morning and afternoon)
- Wait at the stop in an orderly fashion and do not approach the vehicle until it has stopped
- Enter and leave the vehicle in an orderly manner
- Not move around the vehicle in transit but remain seated at all times
- Ensure they and any object in their possession remains in the vehicle and does not protrude out of windows or doors
- Not behave aggressively or endanger other students, driver, supervisor, school staff or principal
- Not engage in boisterous conduct, including the use of offensive language or any action that may cause distress to other students or distract the driver/supervisor
- Converse quietly and not call out to passing traffic or fellow students
- Store bags in accordance with advice from the supervisor
- Only use their allocated vehicle; this will not be changed to meet sporting or social arrangements
- Treat others with courtesy and consideration
- Not throw any object within or from a vehicle
- Not consume food or drink on/in a SDTP transport service
- Follow and abide by the school's code of conduct while travelling on a bus
Students should also follow our behaviour expectations:
- Be at the pick-up or drop-off point 5 minutes before the departure time
- Wait at the bus stop safely and do not approach the vehicle until it has stopped
- Listen and follow the rules and instructions
- Walk (to, from and on the bus)
- Be where you’re supposed to be (stay in allocated seat and not move around the bus when it is moving)
- Not put their bodies or objects out of windows or doors
- Keep hands feet and objects to themselves
- Respect other's feelings
- Use a quiet voice
- Use your manners
- Use equipment properly (wear seatbelt)
- Not throw any object within or from a vehicle
- Not eat food or drink on the bus
- Respect other's space
- Respect the privacy of others (not video or take photos of others)
- Use OK words
- Tell an adult if there is a problem
- Keep the bus clean and tidy
Non-compliance with any of the above conditions may result in the following:
- The driver will stop the bus
- The student’s name and full details of the breach will be recorded
- The student will be transported to school or to their normal drop off
- The breach will be reported to the principal
- The principal will take disciplinary measures in accordance with the SDTP policy
- In rare and exceptional circumstances, and only as a last resort, drivers are authorised to eject passengers from a bus
Following the report of a relevant incident, the principal may take the disciplinary action below:
- First offence – verbal warning to student
- Second offence – written warning to parent/guardian
- Third offence – one week suspension of student from school bus travel
- Fourth offence – the student will not be allowed to travel on the school bus for the remainder of the year
A serious offence that endangers other students, transport service staff or property will result in immediate suspension.
Responsibilities of parents/carers
- Parents/guardians are responsible for transporting their children to and from authorised stops and their safety at the stop while waiting for a service
- Parents/guardians waiting for students at stops should wait on the same side of the road as the transport service to prevent students from crossing the road unassisted
- Transport assistance is a privilege and not a right and consequences will follow a breach of these conditions
- It is understood that transport assistance is provided and accepted on these conditions
- Parent/carer's behaviour should mirror students conditions of travel
Parents/carers should also:
- Parents/carers should ensure their child is at the pick-up point at least five minutes prior to the departure
- Parents/carers are responsible for transporting their children to and from authorised stops and for their safety whilst at the stop while waiting for a service
- Parents/carers should ensure they are waiting for their child at the drop-off point at least five minutes prior to the arrival time unless the student’s has written permission to travel home or to your vehicle independently from the drop-off point
- Parents/carers waiting for students at stops should wait on the same side of the road as the transport service to prevent students from crossing the road unassisted
- Parents/carers must communicate directly with the school and not bus operators, except in the following circumstances: in the event of absence of their child from the morning bus run or in the event of an emergency
All those involved in providing school transport should understand the specialised educational needs of the student being transported. The following points will help parents/guardians/carers to understand their roles and responsibilities to ensure that the daily journey to and from school is as smooth and efficient as possible.
Additional Conditions
Students must operate within current DE and school policy guidelines, particularly in relation to Mobile Phone use by Students and Smoking and Vaping. In line with DE Policy Guidelines, students may use devices to and from school. However, the must not video or take photos on the bus.
Please note that the bus is only able to wait at the bus stop for 2 minutes. Transport assistance is a privilege and not a right and consequences will follow a breach of these conditions. The Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy above is also extended to bus drivers and bus supervisors and violence and aggression.
In emergencies, parents can contact their children through the school office. Mobile phones are permitted when travelling to and from school. However, SDTP Bus Supervisors must report any inappropriate use of or behaviour in relation to mobile phone use by students (inappropriate context, videoing other students, taking photos on the bus). Thank you for your ongoing support. For more information, please visit:
To view the SDTP application for transport assistance form, please click here:
To download the SDTP Independent Travel Form, please click here: