Puppy News:

We know there are many benefits to children (and people generally) interacting with pets.

At Western Heights School we welcome carefully planned and managed integration of pets into our school programme.


In the old days - when animals were not generally ever seen at school - a teacher's pet was a child who got extra (seen as unfair) special treatment from their teacher.


At Werstern Heights a teacher's pet could be Kelley Head's labrador pup Kai, or Stef Tipi's stunning Samoyed Nala, or Ellen's two beautiful Bulldogs.


Now the teacher's pet(s) could be two silky new puppies belonging to Philippa Davis.

Her explanation - and supplied photos - below.


By now most of you have probably noticed my new little fur babies around school. Thought I’d send a quick introduction of them. Sisters Goldie (light coat) and Phoebe (dark coat) are 3 months old. They’re Cavalier King Charles Spaniel crossed with Lowchen (Little Lion Dog). 

The puppies will be coming into school with me most days while they’re young and then hopefully on a regular basis if they continue to be this relaxed and chilled out around children. 

It’s been wonderful to watch our children in Rm 28/29 interacting with them so far. They are learning how to be gentle, use soft voices and move slowly and calmly around the puppies. For those of you who are confident and would like to introduce one of them at a time to your class you are more than welcome. 

On Wednesdays and Thursdays they will be in the little orange room in Rm 28/29. Fridays they will be in Rm 18. If you’d prefer for me to bring them into your class then I’m sure we could work out a time on a Wednesday or Thursday. 

We know how therapeutic snuggles with animals are, so I’d also like to extend the invitation to all of you to feel free to come in and see them, cuddle them etc when you need it! Lunchtimes will be nice and quiet 😉