Assessment and Reporting Updates

Dear Parents/Carers, 


As the 2023 school year starts, we would like to share a few updates to our assessment, reporting and communication between home and school. We are strengthening our comprehensive system for assessing and reporting of student learning that provides you and your child with a clear understanding of how they are progressing and next steps for learning. Equally important is the celebration of learning - acknowledging that we learn by doing, making mistakes and making continuous improvements over time. 


At the start of the Term, teams shared Grade Level Overviews via Compass and the Fortnightly Snapshots page. This will contain information relating to team members, subject overviews and specific information relevant to that Grade Level. Please read it carefully. 


This week we begin to share our Fortnightly Snapshots. These updates on classroom learning are a useful tool to prompt discussion at home. 


On Wednesday 8th February 2023, parents and carers were invited to drop into classrooms and meet the teacher. Each classroom teacher spent 10 - 15 minutes sharing details from the Grade Level Overviews. 


Some of you may be familiar with the online tool, SeeSaw from remote learning. In the next few weeks, we will be reintroducing SeeSaw as a way to share individual student learning from the classroom with families. 


Towards the end of Term 1, in the week commencing March 27th 2023 we will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences. These conferences are a scheduled time to meet with the teacher and receive a progress update on student learning for Term 1. 


The graphic below shows our plan for the year with additional ways we will be sharing and celebrating learning.

Kind regards,

Steve Meade | Principal                                                                  

Joel Snowden | Assistant Principal