From Principal Steve - Welcome to 2023!

Dear Parents/Carers, 


Welcome to 2023 !


A warm welcome back to all our students and families for the new school year. It has been terrific to catch up with students, to see them settle quickly and enjoying the first full week back at school for 2023 last week. It is a time for building positive relationships and setting clear expectations for the year - two essential ingredients for a culture with high levels of learning. 


A special warm welcome to our prep students and families as well as other new students and families joining Brighton Primary School for the first time this year. We hope this will be the start of an incredibly positive and rewarding learning journey for all new families.


Staffing Update

We also warmly welcome five new staff to the school. Rebeccah Young who is teaching grade 1, Sarah Hobbins who is teaching grade 3 as well as Celine Kissane who is teaching grade 5 are all joining BPS for the first time this year. We would also like to welcome two new learning support aides, Sharon Portelli and Lachlan Crespin who are also joining Brighton Primary School this year.


Professional Learning and Pupil Free Days

Our first two professional learning (curriculum) days on Friday 27th January and Friday 3rd February focused on strengthening our student learning support model as well as student reading


We will conduct our next two professional learning (curriculum) days for teachers - no school for students - on Friday 10th March when we will focus on mathematics and Friday 28th April with a focus on student writing. We will schedule our last professional learning (curriculum) day later this year. 


Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held towards the end of Term 1 and Term 3 this year. In Term 1, parent-teacher conferences will commence on 27th March while in Term 3, conferences will commence the week of the 4th September 2023. These conferences will be an opportunity for parents/carers to meet individually with their child’s teacher/s who will share a progress report on your child’s learning (so far) this year.


Grade Level Overviews & Fortnightly Snapshots

To support families to understand what is happening with learning and events in each grade level, we will continue with our fortnightly snapshots. These snapshots will provide an overview of what is happening in learning - literacy, mathematics, and units of inquiry plus the specialist subjects - and also other relevant grade level information. Our first snapshots will be published this week providing a Grade Level Overview - something that can be referred to throughout the year as needed. The overviews and Snapshots can be found here



Our assemblies this year will continue to be held on Friday from 2:50 - 3:30 pm in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend our assemblies however, there will be limited seating for parents given our gym also has to accommodate over 540 students plus staff members.


We look forward to working in partnership with parents and carers this year to ensure high levels of learning for all our students.
