Mr Michael Chiera


The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is a nationwide measure through which parents/caregivers, teachers, schools, education authorities, governments and the broader community can determine whether or not young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.


Sacred Heart College NAPLAN Assessment Dates:

Practice TestingMonday 20 February - Friday 24 February
WritingWednesday 15 March
ReadingFriday 17 March
Conventions of LanguageMonday 20 March
NumeracyTuesday 21 March

If you would like more information about NAPLAN, please visit or read the NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers 2023 brochure.


An endorsed program is a significant learning program that has been developed for senior secondary students. The program may have been developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), or it may have been developed by a private provider or a school and subsequently endorsed by the Authority.


Each endorsed program consists of a series of lessons, classes and/or activities designed to lead to the achievement of a common goal or set of learning outcomes. Endorsed programs can be delivered as part of the school curriculum or as extra-curricular activities.


All endorsed programs successfully completed and reported to the Authority by the school

  • are listed on the student’s Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement
  • may contribute towards the depth requirement of the WACE
  • may contribute towards the C grade requirement of the WACE

Each endorsed program is allocated one, two, three or four unit equivalents.


A student is able to count a maximum of four unit equivalents from endorsed programs for WACE purposes; two in Year 11 and two in Year 12.


Further information on endorsed units can be found on the SCSA website. There is also a concise summary for parents here: SCSA Endorsed Program Brochure.


Students determined to be at risk of WACE graduation may be encouraged to enrol into one or more endorsed units.




Please contact me if you have any queries regarding any of the above.







Mr Michael Chiera

Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning