The College fields teams in the summer and winter seasons of the Northern Associated Schools (NAS) inter-school sport competition in Terms 1 and 2. Games are played after school and may involve travelling to an away venue via a bus provided by the College.
Students playing away or at a central venue are required to change into their Sports Uniform (white top) at lunchtime. Students wearing House tops will lose points for the team. A reminder that students playing AFLW are required to purchase red footy socks and red footy shorts from the Uniform Shop.
The weekly fixtures, as well as the results, will be available in the weekly Newsletters for parents/caregivers and on Teams and the HPE Notice Board for students. The fixtures for our first week of competition is available below.
Please note that there are a few important changes this year due to our new finishing time:
- Students will not leave before the end of Period 6: In an effort to get students on buses and away to venues as promptly as possible, students playing away or at central venues have permission to have their bags with them for Periods 5 and 6, allowing them to move straight up to the meeting point after school.
- NAS teams meeting point: NAS teams will now meet on the grassed area between Administration and Technologies. Once NAS buses arrive, students will make their way up the steps to Hocking Parade.
The competition is only five weeks long, so total commitment from each team member is expected.
For more information about the upcoming NAS season, please ask your child/ren to check the NAS channel on Teams for a summary of notes or contact me or their designated coach.
Miss Renee Tedesco
Head of Sport