Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Welcome back to all our students, hoping everybody has had a refreshing break! Congratulations to all students on the smooth start to the school year. A special mention to our Foundation students on their first day of a possible 13 year journey and also our Year 12s on the beginning of their last year. We hope it all goes well.
Lions Club
A big thank you to our Lions Club who serve our community unbelievably well. Every year they donate a significant sum of money to help students to purchase uniform and making sure all students get access to school camps. Every year it has been tradition we use some of that money to buy our Foundation students their first school hat. They look fantastic in them, see below.
Whole School Assembly – Investiture Assembly
Week 3 14th February – Period 2b at 12.10pm.
I extend an open invitation to all of our school community to our first 'Whole School Assembly' where we acknowledge and officially appoint our school leaders. Please enter the KLC via the Chapel Street entrance.
Uniform – Hats
It has been a great start to the school year for our students and great to see them wearing their uniform proudly. A reminder to students, school hats are required to be worn in Terms 1 and 4. The only hats allowed are a navy bucket and broad brim hats with a school logo.
After School Basketball is back in 2023!!
1. Aussie Hoops - Starting Week 2 - Thursday 9 February from 3.35pm to 4.15pm Foundation to Year 4.
No registration required. New participants will get a free basketball and drink bottle - only catch is you have to attend every Thursday for 7 weeks. All interested students to arrive at the KLC at 3.35pm on Thursday 9 February. Hope you have been practicing!!! Please remember to bring your ball and drink bottle each week.
2. Basketball Competition - Starting Week 2 - Wednesday 8 February from 3.40pm to 4.30pm Year 5 to Year 12.
Parent / Carer helpers wanted – if you can volunteer please contact me via email –
Swimming Carnival – Exciting News!!!
Our first whole school event is fast approaching – Week 3 Swimming Carnival - Friday 17 February. This is a great opportunity to build school spirit and have fun. Three things we want you to do: 'turn up, dress up and participate'!!!
Homeroom Competitions - Free College Cafe Lunches
A reminder one of our SWPBS Expected Behaviours in our matrix under the value of Responsible is 'I will participate'.
School Calendars
School Calendars have been sent home with the eldest child last week. Unfortunately, we did not receive our full order so If you have not received one as yet please be assured the remainder are on their way and you will receive one in due course.