Principal News

                                                                       Bethany Jackson



This week our Foundation students celebrated 10 days of attending school. We are so proud of our youngest students for the way that they are settling in to life at Banyan Fields Primary School. Today I visited the Foundation classrooms to join in the celebrations for 10 days at school and was lucky enough to receive a crown, the same as the children had been making and wearing to mark the occasion. I look forward to many more special milestones that our Foundation students will celebrate throughout the week.


This week I welcome representatives from the Department of Education to Banyan Fields Primary School. They attended because they have taken an interest in our approach to the ongoing improvement of our school. I was really proud to showcase our school and to be recognised for our great work.


In this edition of the newsletter there is information about School Council Elections. There are vacancies for parents and staff to take on Banyan Fields Primary School Council positions. The purpose of the School Council is to provide support to the Principal in overseeing the governance of the school. There is a requirement to attend regular meetings throughout the year and expectations around acting with integrity and with the best interest of the school community in mind. The election process for 2023 School Council opens on Monday 20th February. Nomination forms can be collected from the school office. I welcome new staff or parents/carers who may be interested to consider nominating for a place on our School Council.