
Attendance Motto

At Karoo Primary School, we aim to ensure that all children reach their full potential. Attending school each day, on time, is widely known to impact student learning outcomes. Put simply, every day counts! 


Regular attendance enables students to access a full education. Students with poor attendance patterns in primary school usually have poor patterns in secondary school. Being at school each day develops a child’s academic, social and emotional skills, allowing them to reach their personal excellence. 


Sometimes, absences cannot be avoided. When a child is unwell they need to stay home, rest and get well. Parents are asked to notify the school via the Compass app for each day they are absent. Once well, students are encouraged to return as soon as possible. 

At KPS we classify a child is late if they arrive after 9am. Our classrooms are open from 8.50am to allow parents to access drop off zones with greater ease. Children are welcomed to arrive and organise their belonging before the focused 9am start to learning.  

This term each year level has developed a motto based on attendance. These mottos are designed to get students thinking about why coming to school is important. Over the next few weeks the 6 mottos will be displayed in the foyer of the office, uploaded to our social media pages and promoted within out learning environments.  


During week 7 & 8 we want students and the wider community to tell us which motto is the best through a voting system. 


So, watch, listen and get ready to cast your vote.