Year 3 Update

3A-Miss Thorpe    3B-Miss Monagle    3C-Miss Keller    3D-Mr Wright    3E-Mrs Ziino

3A-Miss Thorpe
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Mrs Ziino
3A-Miss Thorpe
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Mrs Ziino

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

Week 6: To understand how to answer comprehension questions. 

Week 7: To understand what nouns and adjectives are. 


Week 6: To understand how to structure a narrative. 

Week 7: To understand how to publish on Office365. 


Week 6: To understand how to tell the time.

Week 7: To understand what symmetry is. 

Inquiry (Health)


Week 6: To understand the importance of International Women's Day. 

Week 7: To understand the qualities that make us special.

Social & Emotional Learning

Week 6: To understand stress and how to can manage it. 

Week 7: To understand and practice mindfulness. 

News and Reminders:

  • NAPLAN will begin in Week 7. A note was sent home last week with details about NAPLAN, if you have any questions please ask your childs teacher. The timetable is below:

Wednesday 15th March- Writing

Thursday 16th March- Reading

Tuesday 21st March- Language Conventions

Wednesday 22nd March- Maths

  • Homework be sent home within this fortnight.
  • Hats are to be worn until the end of April, please remind students to bring these everyday this term.
  • School photo day is Friday the 17th of March. There is information for ordering on Compass.

Celebration of Learning:

3C Writing to their pen pals.
3C Writing to their pen pals.
3B Clean Up Australia with Prep A
3B Clean Up Australia with Prep A
3E working outside.
3A learning vertical addition.
3E working outside.
3A learning vertical addition.
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day