Mr Irwin's Message

Term 4 Week 4 

Mr Irwin's Message

Hi everyone, welcome to our latest edition of the newsletter.

Those who had children attend the disco on Saturday night will know what a wonderful event it was. The students had a fantastic time dancing, partying and dressing up. I was very impressed with the behaviour of the students on the night. They participated, were respectful and this added to the fun that was had by all at the event.


I want to express my gratitude to Jodi and the team of parents that put many hours into running the event. It was magnificently decorated, well co-ordinated and well organised. To all of the parents who put in time and effort to make this event a success thank you on behalf of all the students and parents that benefited from this wonderful event! In the Halloween Disco page of the newsletter you’ll find a full list of parent helpers who gave their time to make disco the success it was.  

Student Language

I wanted to bring to your attention some concerns I have at school with student language at present. Name calling and swearing are becoming a bad habit of many students and the subject of concerns from parents, students and staff alike. In the vicinity of class and teachers on active supervision at recess and lunch this is a very rare occurrence, however students are obviously engaging in inappropriate language away from teachers and staff in the yard. This isn’t acceptable behaviour and something I’d like us to work together on as a community in the coming weeks.

I can state categorically of the many schools I have taught and been a Principal at that the behaviour of students at Teesdale Primary is the best I have seen. However, I have high expectations for what all of our students can achieve academically and socially. I know the families of this community do too. Using appropriate language at all times and being respectful of peers is a crucial part of this and a key attribute I want all Teesdale kids to have. 


At the heart of this is the personal responsibility of our students. If every student acknowledges and takes responsibility for the words they use at school towards others we can go a long way to fixing those problems. If students challenge their peers when they use unacceptable language instead of laughing or joining in we can go a long way to fixing this problem. And if families set an example of home of appropriate language we can go a long way to fixing this problem. Schools are not an island and if children hear bad language at home they will inevitably begin to use this language out of habit.


This week please discuss the matter of inappropriate language with your children. Students who continue to use inappropriate language can expect consequences. Knowing that this occurs away from staff we are also going to introduce regular opportunities for students to ‘call out’ who is using inappropriate language in the yard so we can follow this up. We are also going to introduce some rewards for students who are regularly doing the right thing outside regularly too.


I have high expectations of all students at Teesdale. I want every student to come to school, safe and happy and ready to learn. Please discuss with your child the importance of using appropriate language at school, and encourage them to ‘call out’ when they see other students who are erring.

Bring Your Own Device Information Evening

Finally a reminder to year 2, 3 and 4 parents that an information regarding the schools Bring Your Own Device Program is on Wednesday night. Miss Wojcik and Mr Smith will run through everything you need to know to make an informed decision for participating in this program in 2020.

Walk to School Month

Take advantage of the nicer weather and start walking to school this term! Until the end of this week, fruit will be available to all students walking or riding to school and entering the school gate near the crossing. 

Healthy Lunch Box Choices

For more information go to: