Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week- Term 4 Week 10

P.E. - Joseph FB- for displaying fantastic resilience skills in our PE lesson this week and not giving up on our Tee-ball skills. Well done Joseph!

Performing arts - Olivia 5A for showing dedication and focus in the end of year concert performance rehearsals.

Chinese - Eric 2A for showing great effort and completing his translating task to a high standard. Well done Eric!

LLI - Year 3: Julianna (3A) and Sally (3B) for an improvement in their attitude towards their learning. Keep it up girls!

LLI - Year 1: Arabella (1A) for attempting new learning tasks to the best of her ability! You should be very proud of your progress in LLI, Arabella!

5A - Vivian for always showing collaboration by volunteering for classroom jobs.

5C - Martina for her effort and persistence to improve her reading skills. Awesome work Martina! 

4A - Jordan This award is for consistently modelling the school values and being a self-regulated learner. Well done!

4B - Ariana for staying focused and working hard in all areas of her learning. Great job Ariana!

4C - Alisha for returning to onsite learning with enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn. It’s great to see you collaborating with your peers and trying your hardest when completing tasks. Keep it up, Alisha!

3A – Julianna for working so hard in her reading and showing tremendous growth this semester. Keep being a thinking reader Julianna!

3B - Elizabeth for working extra hard in mathematics when learning about ‘telling time’. Great work!

2B - Kalolaine for always going above and beyond to help other students in the classroom. You are a pleasure to have in our grade!

1A - Hafsa has been challenging herself on working independently with focus and confidence. She has shown improvement when applying herself to her work tasks and when rereading and checking her tasks before handing them in. 

1C - Shona for always being an active participant, listening, learning and applying her knowledge to all learning areas. You should be proud of yourself for consistently completing your work to a high standard. Well done!

FA - Litea for ‘thinking’ and ‘acting’ like a writer this week.  Sensational effort Litea!

FC - Harper for being extra creative with her writing this week and using lots of descriptive words. Great work! 

Kalani for having a go at spelling new words using her sound knowledge. Keep it up! 

FD - Ayla and Hanna for using interesting words in their writing. Well done!