Principal's Report

Senka King

Year 6 Graduation update

I am pleased that weather permitting, we are able to invite parents/carers to attend the Year 6 Graduation for 2021. Each student can invite two adults to attend the ceremony. The celebration will take place at Deer Park West Primary School and will be conducted outside near the basketball courts. We expect families to arrive at 5:15pm. The evening program will proceed as follows:

Once the formal part of the evening is completed, parents/carers will be able to leave, and students will continue with dinner and the informal celebrations with their peers.

All students need to be collected from the gate on Hogan Street at 8pm

We will monitor the weather and let families know the day before if we need to make alternations to the ceremony. If this is the case, the ceremony will be completed indoors and families will not be able to attend due to density limits. 

With the current situation please ensure you adhere to current COVID safety guidelines including:

  • Wearing a mask
  • Social distancing
  • Using the QR code check in

As this is a formal proceeding, we expect students to wear clothes that are suitable for the event (no thongs, t-shirts and shorts please). 


Foundation Transition

Yesterday, students met their teachers and peers who will be in their class next year. It was terrific to see many of the students already familiar with routines and making friends. Next year, Foundation students start on FRIDAY 4th FEBRUARY. During the first four days, Foundation teachers will be conducting a one to one interview and testing with each child. If you have a Foundation child starting next year, please make sure you are aware of the time and date you have been allocated.


Last week of the year

Next week is our last week and there are still so many exciting things for us to do. End of year can be a busy and exciting time, but students may also feel sad to leave their current teacher and peers. This is a normal part of transitioning into the next stage so just spend some time talking with your child, understanding how they are feeling and reassuring them that whatever comes their way, they are able to deal with it.

The year 6 students are excited about their excursion on Monday, step up day for the Foundation to Year 5 students is on Thursday and I look forward to celebrating with the Year 6 students and teachers on Wednesday night during their Graduation ceremony.


High school scholarship 

A big congratulations to Chloe in 6B for receiving a Year 7 Scholarship- Leadership Award from Victorian University for 2022. Chloe was presented with her award yesterday during our assembly. We wish you all the best. 


Take care and keep safe,


Senka King
