3in6 Film Competition

Hollywood AND Cannes comes to Kew High school again!
Kew High school got a taste of Hollywood and Cannes when it once again ran the annual 3in6 film competition on the 23rd May. This competition is an important date for many students and some unlikely teacher ‘actors’. This year over 100 students participated in the competition, in which students have approximately six hours to make a three minute film. The students are required to form small groups - production teams - and write, rehearse, shoot and edit a short film incorporating the clues provided at the beginning of the day. This year’s clues were revealed in a short film directed by Mr Danny Gesundheit, edited by Mr Huu Tran, and starring Mr.Craig Metcher and Mr.Xavier Ndour. The clues were: Myki card and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). By the end of the day, an incredible 24 films were submitted for judging! The winners and prizes will be revealed in a ceremony and screening in the first week of term 3 in the library. Make sure you don’t miss this! A big thank you must go to the support team behind the day including Mr.Bennett, Mr.Tran, Mr. Ferretti, Mr.Whitney and Ms.De Leon. Thank you to our superb actors, Mr.Metcher and Mr.Ndour. Thank you also to the judges of the films who volunteer their time to watch them. They include the 3in6 team as well as Mr.Crawford and Ms.Bartosy. Thank you also to Ms.Entwisle for continuing to support and encourage this great event. Finally, thank you to all of the students who were involved on the day. You make this event possible with your enthusiasm, creativity, sense of fun and your wonderful behavior. See you at the Oscars. Oops, the lunchtime ceremony!
3in6 team!