
The Girls in Physics Breakfast
The Girls in Physics Breakfast event was a very eye-opening experience. The guests at my table (Shanika Galaudage and Elycia Wallis) both shared very inspiring stories about their experiences within the workplace as well as how they got there. After participating in an ice-breaker activity which involved us pairing up in order to build the tallest tower possible, the speaker, Dr Suzie Sheehy told us about proton collisions, and how physics can be used in order to eliminate cancer. Overall, it was a great activity which I would highly recommend for any other girls interested in physics and uncovering other STEM related careers.
Written by Ella McKeag
Year 10 Engineering Excursion
The Arduinos Excursion was a wonderful experience that allowed our Engineering class to experience and work through problem solving situations that are common in many fields of work that our elective subject could potentially lead to. We attended a course at Latrobe University that taught us to code a programmable application called an Arduino board, using Scratch, and work through a range of challenges that taught us to troubleshoot and rewrite faulty circuits. We learnt about the function of a range of components, which included: switches; buttons; potentiometers; and LDRs. At the end of the day we culminated our learning to create a circuit resembling the game ‘Bop-It’. This course was a great way to apply the practical skills we have learnt in class in a working environment.
By Imogen Groenhout