
It has been another busy semester in the Mathematics department! Many students opted to challenge themselves by participating in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians. This involved students solving six complex tasks, each testing their understanding of mathematics whilst utilising their problem solving skills. We haven’t received any results yet, however we are so proud of each student who took this challenge on and gave it their very best!
We also had some eager students who participated in OzCLO (the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad). This is a contest for high school students that challenges them to develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating real languages.
This is the first year that we have had end of semester mathematics tests for all Years 7 to 9 as a Common Assessment Task. The feedback thus far has been positive, with parents and students alike appreciating the practice of preparing and revising for the inevitable exam situations in year 10 and onwards. The Mathematics Department has enjoyed working with students and building on their note taking and revision skills so that each student has the opportunity to do well. We encourage students and parents to keep an eye on the newsfeeds for the upcoming competitions and challenges that we will have coming up in semester 2!