Year 10 Girls Physical Education 

Reflections on Year 10 Girls Physical Education Semester 1 2019

This subject provided us with many opportunities to experience recreation activities in the local community. These leisure activities were a great way for everyone to get to know each other, develop our communication skills, break out of our ‘comfort zone’ in challenging activities, build our resilience and confidence, and obviously to have fun with our friends outside of the school environment.

The main reason why I chose Girls PE is that I wanted to focus on my physical health and I was drawn to the fact that Girls PE enables girls to have more opportunities to play sport without any judgement or feeling negative thoughts about how I performed. I have definitely found that in Girls PE I felt that it was a safer and more supportive environment too.



I knew that I would participate more in girls PE then a mixed class because I was more comfortable in front of my female peers. I also wanted to have a better opportunity to be involved in playing sports, as  last year in PE I felt that the boys would dominate game situations. Girls PE gave me the opportunity to actively participate and have fun, instead of running around but not getting as much of a turn.

I would recommend Girls PE to Year 9 girls looking to continue with Physical Education as it will give them a better opportunity to participate and also to learn about cultural sports they've never played before.


I also really enjoyed researching current issues such as media coverage of women in sport because I was able to get a greater insight on challenges that female athletes experience in the sporting community and it definitely raised awareness for me of current initiatives that are changing the landscape for female participation in sport.


      By Jasmine, Gemma, Grace and Fynlee