Community News

Emmanuel College

We are very proud of our Year 11 & 12s who have now completed their exams. What a challenging couple of years for this cohort. The Year 11s have commenced their Headstart program for Year 12, gaining some valuable insights into VCE life and subjects and commencing work.


We are currently filming our Celebration of Excellence event that will be widely shared. This is a wonderful acknowledgement of students achieving personal bests in a wide range of school endeavours; from academia, to sport, music and community service just to name a few.


The Year 12 Graduation is fast approaching and as we say farewell to one group, we get set to welcome a new one. We are very excited to be hosting our Year 7, 2022 Orientation Day on 30 November at each campus.


Also, just a reminder that no further tours of the College will run this year, we are very much looking forward to these recommencing at the beginning of 2022. Keep an eye on the College website,  for the new dates due to go up by mid-December.


We look forward to seeing people back on site in 2022.

Holy Trinity Parish Bulletin

Softball Batter Up School Roadshow Clinics

Code Camp for Summer Holidays

Information from QB Enrolments for Out of School Hours Care for 2022

Dear families,


It is an exciting time when your children are commencing prep at their new school or as a family you are moving to a new school.


We would like to share information about our Out of School Hours Program.


Please find attached the School Age care Pamphlet which provides some information about our services and please find a welcome message from Our School Age Care Team Leader Hayley.


In addition, please visit our website (there also is a link on your school web site) to find out more about our services:


Please watch the video on this link to find out about our approach to care.


Furthermore, if you click on: - you will find information about our enrolment process, our service hours, fees and payments


This link will take you to our parent handbook


This link will take you to our newsletter


This link will take you to our policies


Please do not hesitate to contact us directly at or please phone us on 97425040 and we will be happy to assist you.

Every month at before and after school care we have themes that we are encouraged to use throughout our monthly planning. For the month of October our themes were ‘dress up and superheros’ we also added in our own themes such as space week.


We took a different approach for the dress up theme. Instead of using actual dress ups we made our own out of paper. One of our educators is very skilled at origami, so with the help of some children Gabby carefully made origami shirts, pants, dresses and skirts. Each child was than able to use the clothes to dress a cut out of a person in something that they would like to wear. This helps children to transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another.

To embrace our own inner super heroes we came up with own super hero name and our very own special talents. Some of these talents include super speed, mighty leaps, laser eyes, camouflage, breathing underwater and flying. The children loved imagining what they would look like and what world they would protect or even destroy in some cases. A few children made tiny super heroes out of Popsicle sticks. The tiny heroes even went on joy rides across the hall to see if they could find someone to save. This encourages children to develop their dispositions such as curiosity, confidence, creativity, enthusiasm, persistence and imagination. 

This year’s Space week was all about celebrating women in space and encouraging more females to take the leap into the Milky Way. We made constellation patterns in the night sky using our names. Our most popular activity was turning a female in our lives into an astronaut. Each child carefully thought about who they believed would make a fantastic astronaut and why. We had many people such as themselves, mums, sisters, friends, teachers and even a couple of our educators. The children believed that their chosen person is strong, kind, a scientist and an all-around great person, which are all fantastic qualities to make an astronaut in their eyes.

      Quantin Binnah Vacation Care Program

Please contact or visit website for the Vacation Care Program by Quantin Binnah Community Centre at 61 Thames Boulevard, Werribee.