R.E. News

Advent - Units of Work

During the last three weeks of the term, we will be focusing on Advent as a time of preparing and waiting for Jesus’ coming at Christmas. The Advent theme for each class group include:

Foundation / Year 1 – Students will be sharing times of waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. They will explore the Nativity Story and the visits of the Shepherds and the Wise Men who experienced the birth of Jesus.

Year 2 – Students will suggest times when they have waited, and share the story of how Mary waited. They will explore ways in which the Church waits and prepares for the birth of Jesus.

Year 3 / 4 – Students will be exploring The Old Testament stories of how people waited for the coming of Jesus and will examine some of the symbols of the Jesse Tree. They will share Gospel versions of the Birth of Jesus and those people who waited for His coming.

Year 5 / 6– Students will explore the symbols of the Jesse Tree and the people who waited for the coming of the Messiah.


Jesse Tree: A symbolic tree that represents the ancestors of Jesus Christ and other figures of the Old Testament who longed for the coming of the Messiah. The Jesse Tree tradition is rooted in Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesse was the father of David, Israel's greatest king. Jesus is descended from the line of David. He is the branch God promised would grow from Jesse's family tree.


The Advent season starts in the weeks leading up to Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. It’s a period of preparation for the coming of Christ, and his birth into the world, which is where the period takes its name from, “Advent” meaning “coming” in Latin. There are certain colours associated with Advent. The purple colour during the first weeks is associated with Penance and the rose colour is for joy and happiness. There are also four candles burned during Advent. Each one has its own meaning and they stand in a circle around a white candle, the candle of Christ that is burned on Christmas. 

The Advent wreath has five candles, which are lit on each of the Sundays of Advent: The 1st Sunday of Advent symbolizes Hope with the “Prophet’s Candle” reminding us that Jesus is coming. The 2nd Sunday of Advent symbolizes Faith with the “Bethlehem Candle” reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. The 3rd Sunday of Advent symbolizes Joy with the “Shepherd’s Candle” reminding us of the Joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus. The 4th Sunday of Advent symbolizes Peace with the “Angel’s Candle” reminding us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men”. Our Advent wreath also includes a fifth white “Christ” candle, that is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.



We are pleased to inform you that the Sacrament of Reconciliation for Catholic Year 3 students will be on Friday 26th November 2021. The celebration will be a Liturgy and will be celebrated in the Church. The Sacrament will be celebrated during school time, (12:00 pm) so students are to wear their summer uniform. We pray for the students who will be making their first Reconciliation: Jonathan, Isabelle, Kara, Marcus, Finlay, Lucas, Lyndelle, Chelsea, and Aeryn.


Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates 

Loving God, help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally. Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Vinnies Hampers

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

Every year, at Christmas time, our school community responds to the St Vincent de Paul “Adopt-a-Family Christmas Appeal”. Over the past few weeks, the response to this appeal has been great. We have just one more week to bring in groceries for the Vinnies Christmas food hampers. Thank you to all the families / students who have already brought in items to add to the hampers. 


We are asking for non-perishable food items that are suitable for Christmas Hampers such as - tinned ham/salmon/tuna, Christmas pudding/cake, biscuits/shortbread, mince pies, cordial/tetra juice packs, soft drink, lollies/candy canes, jellies, canned or dried vegetables, tinned fruit, long-life custard, gravy mix, packets of snack foods, chips, popcorn, nuts, breakfast cereal, UHT milk, pancake shake mix, bonbons/crackers, Christmas serviettes and paper plates etc


Please ensure that items are unopened, non - perishable, and within the use by expiry date. 




We do ask that if children are able to bring in items, they can be placed in a box in their classroom for collection. All food needs to be brought into school by Thursday 9th Decemberso our Social Justice Student Leaders can sort and wrap the hampers.


Thank you for your support.


Margaret Cronin

Religious Education Leader