Extra Curricular & Wellbeing 

Year 10 Activity Days

Yr 10 Activities Days

As I am writing this we have just completed Day 1 of Activities Week for Yr 10. It was a brilliant day of creating, mindfulness and fun! They were divided into 4 groups made up of smaller friendship groups and rotated around 5 activities designed to entertain, engage and allow time for bonding as a class.


The activities included creating a mural to be hung opposite the Yr 10 Noticeboard, pavement art silhouettes of everyone, friendship bracelets, pet rocks, festive decorations and cards, a dress up/photo shoot/disco and a scavenger hunt. Both Ms Charalambous and I are so impressed by the positive attitude of all involved and I have included photos of the day for you to enjoy.


We are looking forward to Day 2 on Wednesday which will include Trivia with Ms Wilson, Games and a newspaper fashion show. I will be sure to post some pictures.


Thank you to Yr 10 for your enthusiasm and creativity. Thank you also to all the teachers who supervised the sessions and ensured the 2 days were a great success. A special mention to Ms Wilson for organising the trivia, Ms Texier & Ms Caprin for the Art resources and ideas, Ms Barry for props, Ms Andrews for paint donations, Ms Chami and the SAS staff for promptly ordering supplies and Ms Jenkins for donations of material and crepe paper.


Ms Flannery & Ms Charalambous

Careers Newsletter

Music Wrap Up 2021

Premiers Sporting Challenge

Students in years 7-10 & participating staff have been receiving their Premiers Sporting Challenge Certificates. Overall our school achieved a Bronze Award.

Well done to all students and teachers who participated in the challenge this year.


  1. Garden resident (praying mantis)
  2. Gymea Lily in the school grounds
  3. Cherry Tomatoes grown by our Sports Gardeners
  4. Fern room. It's a jungle out there!
  5. New leaf in our Fern Room
  6. Muscatel grapes in our school garden
  7. Daises in the school grounds.
  8. School vegetable garden, green as!

Mentor training day

On Tuesday 30th November, 45 year 9 students completed their first day of mentor training. Mentoring is an important aspect of leadership and participation in the school community.  The students who act as mentors gain valuable skills as leaders, communicators and team members, as well as assisting and encouraging others. everyone had a great day and the students are looking forward to supporting our new year 7 cohort in 2022.


This bush turkey has been spotted wandering the school grounds!
This bush turkey has been spotted wandering the school grounds!