School Captain's 2022

This week saw a number of our current Year 11 students nominate and apply for 2022 School Captains. Candidates put forward applications outlining their strengths and proposed goals for Rochester Secondary, while addressing our school values of Growth, Respect, Optimism, Wellbeing and Support. 

It was a very strong field and as part of their application, our candidates presented truly inspiring speeches to our Year 10 and 11 cohort, carrying themselves with maturity and showing pride for our school. What was particularly pleasing to hear from our candidates was a real sense of optimism for 2022 following what have been some challenging times for our students. Our candidates also outlined what is means to take on the role of school captain and spoke about how they would represent their peers and make positive contributions to our school community as part of a leadership team:


“… I think the role of the school captain is to be a role model. For not only the students in this school, but to those outside of school in the broader community. In addition to this, school captains should hold their attitude towards being respectable, responsible and caring at any time at school …” – Sam Ryan.


“My vision for 2022 is to ensure that every student feels supported, acknowledged and appreciated, as well as inspiring each other in doing so, as I believe that a faithful school captain always acknowledges every student’s voice and their thorough efforts.” – Fiona Dipasupil.


Tanzin Myers presented goals for students to “grow academically, socially and emotionally … (and) aimed to create a school environment where each student feels supported and where there is an increased focus on wellbeing”.


Teal Hocking stated that “in order to drive a team to success, communication, understanding, a helping hand and unity within the team is needed… I want to be involved in bringing our school together… (and) I want to be that voice for you and the school, and I am open to anyone in need.”


A big thank you to all of our applicants, you have represented our school faithfully and demonstrated the college GROWS values with pride. Well done on your efforts and for putting yourselves forward.


Our Rochester Secondary College School Captains for 2022 are Fiona Dipasupil, Teal Hocking, Tanzin Myers and Sam Ryan.