Count me in! Watashi Mo!

We hope families are staying warm as the weather gets colder. Not long to go until the end of the term!
Family Fun Night
Saturday 12 August 2023
Plans for The Family Fun Night are well on their way!
Two things are certain – it will be delicious, and it may be cold outside, but we will get you warm.
To make this event even more successful, we are calling for parents who can contribute some of their time and skill to help us out. Everyone's help, small or big, will make a huge difference.
And if there are any family businesses who wishes to sell at the event, please contact Watashi Mo:
We are also happy and grateful to present some of our sponsors for the night (please see below)
Mark your calendars…
Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Tuesday 20th June 2023
Watashi Mo will be holding a sausage sizzle lunch for the students and teachers. We will be doing a pre-order to assist with catering purposes and will be sending order forms home shortly. Pre-orders need to be handed in by Friday 16th June. A small number of sausages will be available for purchase on the day. Sausages will be $2.50 each.
We need volunteers on the day. So, if you can take a turn on the grill or at the till, please click the link below to enter your name against the time slots you are able to volunteer. It can be more than 1 time slot:
Upcoming Watashi Mo Events
- Tuesday 20th June – Sausage sizzle lunch (pre-orders close Friday 16th June)
- Saturday 12 August – Family Fun Night
- Saturday 26th August – Working Bee (via School Council)
- Friday 15th September – Wear your sports team colours day and last day of term
Next meeting!
Come dial in to our next monthly virtual meeting on Monday 3 July 7:30pm if you want to learn more or get involved.
You can also join our private FB group, or get in touch with us on email at
Watashi Mo Committee 2023
Co-President – Gerri Dickson (Parent 3A)
Co-President – Cristin Bailie (Parent 3B and 1C)
Co-Secretary – Amy Frederickson (Parent 5B, 3A, and FC)
Co-Secretary – Danielle Dithmer (Parent 3B and 1A)
Co-Treasurer – Jenny Segref (Parent 1A)
Co-Treasurer – Hiroka McGregor-Jones (Parent 1B)