Catholic Identity and Mission 

Ms Nicole Dudman - Director

Grade 6 Days

It has been a pleasure to welcome Grade 6 students to the College over the last few weeks.  Students were welcomed with a liturgy in the chapel. 


Thanks to our student leaders who have taken part and assisted – Grace Berryman, Liz Stephan and Hannah Cole. Special thanks to Liz and Hannah and their amazing Art helpers for creating the banner used in the liturgy!

Pictured here are Year 6 students from Star of the Sea, Cowes.



Catholic Education Week

Last Friday evening John Freeman and I were invited to the Leadership Mass at St Michael’s Traralgon where I was commissioned in my new role as the Director of Catholic Identity and Mission.  I received a beautiful cross that I hang proudly in my office.  It was nice to have a photo with Bishop Greg Benett, Mr. Paul Velten and my wonderful colleague Jacinta Johnson who was also commissioned for her role as Deputy Principal of Catholic Identity and Mission at Marist Sion College.

Jacinta Johnston, Paul Velten, Bishop Greg and Nicole Dudman
Jacinta Johnston, Paul Velten, Bishop Greg and Nicole Dudman

After the Mass John Freeman and I attended the Leadership dinner at De Grandi’s Winery, Traralgon. 


It was great to catch up with many past colleagues and old friends who I went to Uni with.  Many are doing wonderful things in our schools in the Diocese.


Catholic Education Week Liturgy

It was a great celebration on Tuesday for our Catholic Education Week Liturgy.

I am grateful to Chris Spencer and John Ryan who assisted with the stage set up, Scott Blencowe who set up all the sound and visuals, Beth Winterhalter and David Robinson who led our Choir and John Freeman for a wonderful reflection on the Emmaus Story. 



Friday 26th May is Sorry Day. Students took time in homeroom to honour and acknowledge Sorry Day.  We need to recognise that we need to acknowledge our sorry before we can reconcile.





There are many activities taking place next week for Reconciliation Week. 

Many thanks to Laura Muranty for all her hard work in this area, especially organising the activities for Wednesday. She has ensured that through staff, students will make meaningful connections to First Nations culture and history during this week.




Activities in the library all week – see SIMON.




Activities on Wednesday 

Period 2: RAP Consultation

Periods 3 & 4: Aboriginal Dance Workshop

Period 5: School Leaders Talk


Class Masses

On Wednesday 24th May, Year 11 and Year 10 Youth Ministry has our first Class Mass in the Chapel with Fr. Darren, from Wonthaggi Parish.  It was a great celebration around the feast day of Mary, Help of Christians.  I commend the Year 11 class who participated by reading and preparing the songs. Thanks to Cate Kavanagh for setting up for Mass.

The next class Mass is Thursday, June 8th, Year 12 RE (JRYA). 


Pentecost Sunday

This week we celebrate Pentecost Sunday in the liturgical calendar. 

We recall the story from John’s Gospel when Jesus visited his disciples, showing them his wounded hand and sides and saying, ‘Peace be with you’.


This day reminds us that it is the Holy Spirit who breathes into us each day that makes life possible! I challenge you to go out into the world and spread peace, as we try to follow the words of Jesus when he said, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”.


We look forward to welcoming Fr. Stanly back to our Parish next weekend after his holidays in his home country, Kerala in India.