From our Principal

Christine Pillot

School Review

Yesterday we completed the formal process of our school review.  Thank you to all members of our school community for participating in student, parent and teacher forums and contributing your opinions and ideas for future growth.  The review panel of 11 Croydon SDS staff and external representatives, deliberated on school data and forum feedback to identify and set our overarching goals for our next School Strategic Plan. Improving student learning outcomes and strengthening student wellbeing and engagement across the school community will be at the centre of our future direction.  

Attitudes to School Survey

This year, many of our Secondary and Transition students will complete the Department of Education state wide annual student opinion survey.   Karen O'Shea is coordinating the survey for CSDS and is currently sending home information forms to parents/carers. Karen will be administering the survey with our students over the coming weeks.  We look forward to hearing the views of students to help inform us of what is working well and identify some areas for improvement. 


Building Project

Over the past term, we have continued our work with our architects, Minx and the VSBA through the Development and Design phase of the planning.  While unfortunately at this stage we are unable to share building plans with you, we can report that schedules are on track for the project to go to tender in August, with the intention to have the builder assigned and commencing work before the end of this year.


In preparation for the new build, we will have two portables removed from our school site in the June school holidays, rooms 1/2 and 17/18.  Our primary classes in rooms 1/2 will relocate in the coming weeks to rooms 15/16, the portable to the right of rooms 19/20. 


Temporary fencing will be installed across part of the primary play space and school car park area.  This will see a temporary loss of the current parent carpark for student drop off and pick up times.  We would like to form a working party to discuss alternate car park options for drop off and pick up arrangements over the next 18 months.  It's important to have parents/carers involved to consider possibilities and create temporary arrangements that will work for you.  Please come in and see me, phone the office, (9725 4933) or email the school if you would like to be a part of this working party.