Term 2, 2023 

Visual Art 

The Term 2 Unit of Inquiry is called 'Art of Arnhem land', which integrates with the Transdisciplinary theme- 'Where we are in place and time'. 


The unit focuses on how the Yolgnu people, Australian Aboriginal people of East Arnhem Land, have different cultural practices that relate to the different seasons and their knowledge of country. 

Students Explore 

  • Cool Weather Season ‘Yekke’- they create a Barramundi inspired by the technique and pattern of traditional Arnhem Land Bark Painting 
  • Early Dry Season ‘Wurrkeng’ – They construct a Circular Weavings in wool, looking at traditional works that use Pandanus 
  • Harvest Season ‘Bangkerreng’- ModellingClay Birds with a focus on pattern and texture


Term 1 for Year 3 was mainly focused on two topics - Plants and Our Earth in Space.


As part of the Plants focus, we investigated Photosynthesis, Plant’s Life cycles, Pollination and the big favourite, growing seeds. This activity fascinated the students over the course of a few weeks watching our seeds grow in a plastic cup. We moved on to learning about shadows, Sun, Moon and Stars. This culminated in our Astronomy Evening which was very well attended. 

In Term 2 we explored Forces such as Friction and Magnetism, as well as the Earth which included rocks, fossils, weathering and erosion. Spheros which are a programable rolling ball have been introduced during the semester. 


We’ve had a few special visitors as well, which were a Peron’s tree frog, Bearded dragon and a variety of skinks and geckos coming to the Science lessons for a day. The ‘Come and Look’ and ‘Come and touch’ tables have been very well received with many contributions from our students. 


The children are timetabled weekly, to borrow books from the Library with their classroom teachers. During these borrowing sessions, they will gain a better understanding of library locations and the borrowing/returning procedures. 


The focus will be on reading for enjoyment, interest and information. The children will have the opportunity to consolidate their literacy skills and further their development in literature appreciation. 

The library program also supports and extends the units of inquiry being studied in each year level and provides classrooms with resources to enrich the units offering varied forms of information. 

Physical Education 

  Unit Of Inquiry

 'How We Express Ourselves'


Invasion Games: 

Netball and Basketball modified games 

Circus skills and beginning of athletics 



  • Incorporate aspects of physical fitness into warm up activities   
  • Refine the Fundamental Motor Skills of passing and catching in modified invasion games. Introduce the concepts of attacking and defending and moving into space during modified games and working towards set netball and basketball type skills 
  • Work towards development of learning rules to a netball and basketball game
  • Circus skills to develop combinations of movement through balance, hand eye coordination, strength, rotation and creativity     


Change- How do we change the skills we have learnt to adapt them to different activities.  


Learner Attributes: 



Unit Of Inquiry

'Where We Are in Place and Time' 


Just as culture change over time, so does the music associated with it. This term students will explore music from other cultures and consider the differences between various styles and the importance of music to the people.  

Students Will: 

  • Explore the styles of Funk, Calypso, Hoedown, Boggie-woogie and Australia’s First People 
  • Create verses for songs and rhythmic ostinatos
  • Move in response to different styles and mood in music
  • Improvise rhythms on drums  
  • Develop their music terminology as they express their perspectives and feelings about music 
  • Create and perform individually and in groups 
  • Recognise and perform syncopation and off beats, using body percussion and instruments
  • Recognise and perform simple riffs and loops using voice and/or tuned instruments
  • Become more open minded as they explore songs, music and dance through different contexts (genres, times, places and purposes) 
Arla Anderson -Visual Art
Nicole Palo La Gerche - Visual Art
Merry Graham -STEM
Deb Ball - Music
Kirsty Hall - PE
Dan Farmer - PE
Di Ullmann - Music
Arla Anderson -Visual Art
Nicole Palo La Gerche - Visual Art
Merry Graham -STEM
Deb Ball - Music
Kirsty Hall - PE
Dan Farmer - PE
Di Ullmann - Music