Year 5 Spotlight
This term, the grade 5s did a mini unit on different types of poetry. One of them was a cinquain, a piece where you choose a topic then write 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, a four-word feeling description and end it with a synonym.
We also did an ode where you write about something you love. Another one was a limerick poem which is short, funny, rhyming poetry. Haikus are very brief with a five-syllable sentence, followed by a seven syllable then another five.
Although, the class favourite was the Found poetry which is where you get about 7-10 words from a book from anywhere on a page, then you draw around it making a mini fun poetry story!
Altogether, it was a fascinating, enjoyable experience that we would love to do again!
~ By Rylee and Sadie 5A!