Sustainability Update
Over the past couple of weeks both the Gardening Club and Eco Club students have been very busy conducting audits across the school.
Biodiversity Audit
Some Gardening Club members used iPads and their own prior knowledge to identify which trees, plants and shrubs across the school are indigenous and which ones are introduced species. They were trying to collect data about our plant life and discover whether we need to plant more native flowers and trees and the size of our plant life.
Waste and Litter Audit
The Eco Club welcomed Jason from CERES to help us conduct a waste and litter audit of the school. The students collected bin samples from each cohort to discover which bins are the most contaminated and which bins we are using well. The main thing we realised is that as a school we need a lot more support and education about how we use our comingled bins.
Comingled bins are only for items that can be recycled in our yellow council bins. Unfortunately, we discovered that majority of what we are currently placing in there should actually go straight to landfill.
The students also did an audit of the litter in the yard and we discovered a lot of food (especially apples) are being dropped directly on to the ground instead of going into the compost bins.
Overall the students learnt a lot and they plan to pass their new knowledge on to the rest of the school.
~ Sustainability Club (Staff and Students)