Assistant Principal's Report

Student Voice Team

The Student Voice Team meets weekly, on a Thursday. The team’s objectives this year focus on increasing student voice and agency. 


SVT Objectives: 

For SVT members to:

  1. Consider ways to increase student agency in learning at FPS.
  2. Contribute to their learning environment.
  3. Consider ways to improve the learning program for themselves and their peers.

Student representatives take their role very seriously and regularly come to meetings prepared with notes to share from their classmates. All suggestions are passed on to relevant staff for consideration. 


While most of the suggestions currently raised tend to focus on the school’s physical environment, moving forward, we will be exploring ways to increase opportunities for students to have more input into their learning in the classroom. I have listed some of the suggestions from the past few meetings below. 


“Could we give Milkshake an ear transplant?”
“The tunnel and monkey bars could use a new coat of paint at the Big Kids playground, the paint is wearing off and they look old”
“Could we add stepping stones to play on?”


Student Excellence Program – Term 2

The Student Excellence Program delivers a range of initiatives to support government schools to provide a great learning environment and build teacher capability to support and extend high-ability students.


Victorian High-Ability Program

The Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English. These courses are held online and students are supported to access the live Webex lessons through Virtual School of Victoria (VSV).

In the VHAP English course, students are exploring links between reality and fiction by observing the world around them and journeys into fictional worlds. 

  • In the VHAP Maths course, students are embracing the “why” of maths, not just the “what”. Students dive into the philosophical implications of mathematical topics.

Challenge and Enrichment Sessions 

The Challenge and Enrichment Series provides one-off extension activities for high-ability students. Within the series, education expert partners deliver a suite of workshops, tutorials, conferences, lectures and competitions.


This term, the following sessions are being held:

  • ‘Crazy Cubes’
  • ‘Space Habitat Designer’
  • ‘Natural Solution Finder’
  • ‘Space Junk – Salvaging Satellites’

Follow the links below to find out more about the Student Excellence Program


~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal