School News



 If you are the holder of a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card you are entitled to receive funding called CSEF - Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. You may have received it last year but if you have a sibling that started this year you will need to fill in a form for that child. If you have transferred from another school you will also need to fill in a for with us. Forms are available from the office, more information is included in this newsletter under the tab - CSEF.



On Friday 12th May we had the opportunity to welcome lots of mums and special friends to our annual Foundation Mothers’ Day afternoon.  Our youngest students enjoyed getting the opportunity to share some of their school experience with these special visitors.  Here are just a few photos taken celebrating the afternoon.





                                                 Look what we have been learning in Grade 4






All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.

Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.